Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Maintaining Perspective

Chris Spealler wrote in a recent blog post; "Your performance has no impact on your identity."  This is a concept I struggled with early on in my crossfitting days.  I could never fully give myself to the workout because I was so concerned with the outcome.  Arrogance and ego undoubtedly played a role with that mindset.  Everyone wants to win but everyone doesn't win; as long as you lay it the fuck out there then no one can judge you based on the results.  I have used this as the framework for training and it has allowed me to keep this weekend's Regional in perspective.  Knowing that I am part of something bigger than myself (CFNP) is a luxury I have never had during competition.  Everyone has their reasons for competing.  Mine, in the past, were to feed my ego so I could feel a sense of superiority over others.  I still have a mellowed down arrogance about me, but its fueled by my immediate family and my second family; CFNP.  I acknowledge the fact that I am representing not just myself but my Mom, Dad, two brothers, sister, Arron, Terry, as well as all of YOU from our gym and it fills me with pride.  At some point during the pain and suffering I'm undoubtedly going to endure, I promise  I'll rip a patented Comfort- shit -eating- grin to let you all know that I am enjoying myself and there isn't anywhere else in the world I'd rather be.  My intent from this post is to encourage those of you who wish to compete in the future to do it with full hearts and clear minds.  Make sure your reasons are pure and in sync with your personality. Somewhere along my journey I got back on the righteous  path (Thanks to Arron McCall), a path that has prepared me for the next few days.  Thanks again for all the support.


Sunday, May 26, 2013


The training that we have chosen requires self-discipline.  It also requires us to live a certain lifestyle that many people on the outside aren’t familiar with.  Crossfit is hard-eating right and taking care of our bodies is equally as hard.  I know it took me 4 years of suffering through workouts hung-over and eating terribly to realize how much I needed this sport and the people that it attracts in my life.   Looking for things that motivate and inspire us in our everyday lives is essential to seeing the bigger picture that IS life.  I am constantly looking for things to inspire me, both in the gym and outside of it. It isn’t hard to find inspiration in the gym; seeing Judy’s face light up when Arron screams her name or watching Prashant yell and struggle for every rep on a heavy deadlift day is enough to fuel me for a lifetime.  The things we need to search for are outside of the gym.  Today’s world is increasingly evil.  Look no further than your favorite news outlet for proof.  Seeing the good in other people is sometimes difficult; but it is possible and wonderful people do exist and we all see them.  It’s whether or not we choose to acknowledge them that is the question.  Maybe it’s a cashier at your local grocery store who makes you smile with their positive attitude?  Maybe it’s a co-worker who shows up to work every day and asks you how you are doing?  Maybe it’s someone you’ve never talked to?  Whatever or whoever it is, pay more attention to the feeling that is ignited within you and use that to inspire you throughout your day at work, at home, and at the gym. Hopefully, these small things which motivate us in positive ways become the foundation for a new outlook on LIFE.  I will end this post with my favorite quote from Donny Shankle.  “Now you are able to feel the greatest virtue man can experience which life has to offer. Joy in what you do, joy in how you live, joy in the manner you fall in love, joy in the chance to be remembered, joy in every breath you take, joy in being a great person. Joy in life is all any man or woman should aspire to feel. You will not feel joy trapped within yourself alone in the dark. You will not experience joy on your knees or cowered behind previous failures. Joy is being within warmth and light during the day so when you rest at night it is with peace.”  Reading this moves me to tears, I hope it has a similar effect on you. 
