I've been crazy busy with school, training, and the gym so sorry I haven't put anything out here in awhile. I threw this one together this morning but I have some pretty awesome shit coming your way in the near future.
The original thought theory states that anything anyone can ever say has already been said by someone else. This theory, in my opinion, is bullshit. I'm on the cusp of an original thought but it has yet to manifest itself. Until it does, I'm going to continue quoting people I think are awesome. "People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent." This is a line from the great Bob Dylan. I came across this quote when I was looking up Bob's concert dates and it has been in the back of my mind ever since. I always try and apply the quotes I put in this blog to my life and personal experiences. I only write about what I have experience with and hope it resonates with you, the reader.
I began to think about how this line applies to me. What do I believe in? It's a simple question, yet I couldn't come up with an answer. Then I started thinking about our gym and the people that make it such a wonderful place. I started thinking about why in the name of Zeus's butt hole, do I get up at 4 in the morning to go to a filthy gym (its not filthy when I mop on Sundays but it sure as hell still is after Arron mops)? I've talked to plenty of people that work at regular gyms that have to wake up that early and they hate their lives. I on the other hand, thoroughly enjoy it and on days I accidentally sleep in, I feel like I've deprived myself of a fulfilling day. The answer as to why I felt that emptiness was simple; I believe in what I'm doing. I believe in all of you and am humbled that you put your faith in myself and Arron to program workouts for you (not that you really have a choice). I don't take this responsibility lightly and I am constantly challenging myself to get better at every aspect of what crossfit has to offer. I challenge all of you to ask yourself that same question, "what do you believe in?" If you find you are doing what is convenient and then repenting; I hope you find the courage to start over.
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