Monday, May 12, 2014

My Team Recap of Regionals

To all those who came out to support Amanda, Steve, Mekenzie, Jake, Steph and I....Thank you!

Let me start this off by saying the rules of this years regionals placed a tremendous amount of pressure on the athletes competeing on both the team side as well as the individual side.  Congratulations to anyone who qualified for this past weekend because I understand first hand the amount of focus that was needed to compete.

Amanda, who in my opinion is the beating heart of our team, was nothing short of perfect in her performance.  The only thing she fumbled on was missing her first attempt on her opening weight for the hang snatch event and with only one remaining attempt (thats part of the pressure placed on the athletes I was speaking of) stuck it.  I know how nervous she was for that particular event and I was unbelievably proud of the way she bounced back from that miss.  I'm soooooo happy she made her way to us because she's as genuine and sincere as anyone I have ever met.  I'm glad to call her a friend.

Stephanie had a series of highs and lows this weekend.  She came out in the opening workout and moved through her muscle-ups with ease.  After about nine, she started to get shaky and ended up missing two before her tweleve were complete.  She only had one remaining attempt before our team was time capped for the workout (again, the pressure I was talking about), which is what happened to more than half of the teams.  She didn't miss again and completed her set!!  This allowed us to move through the workout with no failures and place high in the opening event.  I cannot explain to you in words how happy I was for her.  She was placed in the exact same situation in the handstand push up event and with pure determination, came through; again leaving us with no fails and a high ranking going into the last day.  Let me be clear about something, we are not in fifth place with a chance to go to the games on the final day of competition without Stephanie.  She hit seven overhead squats at that weight mutliple times in training in preperation for that particular workout.  Any athlete that has competed at a high level understands that you could potentially hit a wall, it could happen in training or at the most inopportune of times.  You did great Steph!  I'm excited for the future of CFNP with Arron, You and I as the core of the trainers.

Mekenzie is one of the best athletes I have ever trained with.  Her strength is unreal and she proved that in the Snatch event by hitting 155 pounds (alot of guys can't snatch that).  I was most proud of the way she battled for us in event 6 (handstand push up/ hang clean/ burpee).  She was the anchor and went nuts the entire way through, getting us the fastest time possible.  I'll never forget screaming at her "get your f*cking ass on this mat" and then all of us hugging her.  I saw a look of satisfaction on her face at that moment, which is all I've wanted for her since she has been traning with us. 

Steven Palmer is a freak athlete.  He is as strong and goofy as they come, so he fits right in with Arron and myself.  The thruster rope climb event was his shining moment this weekend in my opinion.  He did 47 of the 120 thrusters we had to complete as a team, and he did twenty in a row the first set.  Not many guys have balls that big to even attempt that and he did it with ease.  He has truly found a home at CFNP and I look forward to future 10 am debauchery with him and Arron.

Jake Servis was a wild card for me heading into the weekend competition.  He's a stud athelete who, at times, is uncoachable.  With that being said, he showed up with an open mind and positive attitude and he was truly a pleasure to watch and compete with.  The big moment for Jake, in my opinion, was when we as a team fucked him.  We didn't leave him enough time to hit the weight he was capable of on the hang snatch event.  I know how badly he wanted to hit a heavy weight, and he was proficient at way more than 205.  He ran out there, hit the weight I asked him to hit, and gave us a chance to truly compete the rest of the weekend.  He also carried the load on the rope climbs for Steve and I on event 5 (thruster/ rope climb)!

Last but not least.  Arron McCall and Stefanie Seneca.  Thank you and I love you both.


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