Thursday, June 27, 2013

Suffering in Silence

"Cowards never allow their hearts to blaze with fire: all they desire is for the changed situation to quickly return to what it was before, so they can go on living their lives and thinking in their customary way.  The brave however, set afire that which was old and, even at the cost of great internal suffering, abandon everything and continue onward."

The above quote is from the novel "the fifth mountain," one of my favorite books.  The beauty of this quote is in its applicability to different aspect of our lives.  For me, its a reminder that suffering is an essential part of my growth as a person.  Suffering is different for everyone.  I personally suffer when I'm sitting at home and my mind wanders off, I'll begin to think about past relationships, current relationships, and military experiences.  Usually, I over analyze everything and I'll start to stress over things I felt I could have done or should have done. Dwelling on past and present "ifs" and "whats" is suffering for me.  Recently I've learned to accept the outcome life has dictated, and I choose to move forward.  Embrace the causes of your personal suffering.  Attacking it head on and devising a plan to combat it will aid in the development of your character, and our character can always be improved upon, no matter how old we get.

For some strange reason, people associate pain and suffering with Crossfit (I hope you're picking up on the sarcasm because I'm laying it on pretty thick).  All of us have wanted to quit during a workout, if you say you haven't you're a frenching liar.  Despite the suckiness of these workouts we battle to the end, no matter how long it takes.  This pain and suffering is what either brings people back or keeps people away.  It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone (globo gyms or your couch) and try something new, especially when that something new knocks you on your ass and humbles the shit out of you.  Go back and read the last sentence of the first paragraph.  If you did awesome but I'm re-typing it for effect.  "The brave however, set afire that which was old and, even at the cost of great internal suffering, abandon everything and continue onward."  I remind myself of this quote when someone has the courage to walk through CFNP's door, or when one of you decides you're tired of not being able to do a muscle up or handstand push up or whatever it may be and you say "FUCK IT" I'm getting one today.  Hopefully, after reading this, you will realize your souls are being strengthened through the experience of suffering at CFNP.

I hope all of you are enjoying the skill practice programming.  Keep knocking out weakness's!!!

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